Gustavo Deveze about Wet Techniques with Gimp
Gustavo Deveze use Gimp for his works. The style and technique is very beautiful. I and Gustavo are talking about brushes on Gimp to emulate the traditional painting techniques. This article is a re-editing of our thread. The Bad Wolf, by Gustavo Deveze made on Gimp. About Gimp and their painting instances On Gimp easier to emulate dry techniques with their brushes. I've studied this topic very much... and I've discovered some tips to emulate better the wet with many brushes. I don't have time yet to write my thread about this with Zabadal... but you can find some insights on: The technique is simple and intuitive: choose a brush, preferentially a .gih, with a good sharpest and dimension (between 64 and 128 px). the brush must have layers with different stains (kind and quality). while you paint do great variations on the dimension ... brushes when you scale with great fact...